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14 Awesome Ways to Use Skype for your Online MBA

April 9, 2021 8:58 pm0 commentsViews: 466

If you have ever used Skype, then you know how helpful it is to stay in touch with people. But did you ever think about how you can use Skype in online education? For example, there are many awesome ways that you can use Skype to earn your online MBA, including those below. And remember, Skype is free, so it’s a particularly attractive study option for students!

#1 Study With Classmates

In the past, many online graduate students have teamed with classmates via chat or telephone to study for an exam. But with Skype, it is very easy for you to have video conferences together and interact as you prepare for your next test.

#2 Talk to Business Experts

You can use Skype to connect with people who are experts in the industry in which you are interested after you get out of MBA school. If you cannot actually talk to the business expert face to face, Skype is the next best thing.

#3 Collaborate With Other Classrooms

One of the cool things that you can do with Skype is to use it to connect with MBA business classes in the next state, or in a country around the globe. You can interact with business students who are in a much different market than you are, and you can really learn a lot, such as about local market conditions, and much more.

#4 Go on Virtual Field Trips

If you are talking about a certain type of business in a case study in your MBA program, you can use Skype to go on a virtual field trip into a company in that industry. This can give you and your classmates an inside view of how things work in that company, without ever leaving your classroom.

#5 Bring Business Authors Into Your Classroom

Skype can be used to conduct interviews of well-known business book authors, so that you and your classmates can learn about the in’s and out’s of business, up close and personal from a true expert.

#6 Interview Business Experts

If you have an assignment that involves profiling a certain company or a type of business, you can use Skype to do your interviews of company officials. Using Skype instead of the telephone can really help to get more information. Talking to people that you can see has been shown to be more effective in terms of information exchange.

#7 Gather Information About Companies for Your Job Search

As your graduation day from MBA school approaches, you are going to want to connect with as many people in business as possible to help you find a good job. You can use Skype for informational interviews of people who work in your desired field. While you can’t usually just ask someone for a job, you can use a Skype interview to gather critical information about working in that field, and you may also be introduced to other important people in that company.

#8 Listen to Live Lectures

If you are getting an online MBA, you still are going to be listening to a great number of lectures. Skype can be used to deliver a live lecture to many students at once, and you can also ask questions to the instructor. This can be more effective than a taped lecture, as you have the ability to interact.

#9 Take Oral Examinations

Skype can be used in an online MBA classroom to deliver a live, oral examination. Professors like this because cheating is quite a bit more difficult if you are actually live on camera as you are taking the test.

#10 Get Tutoring

Skype can be used for you to tutor, and to get tutored, by other classmates or teachers in your business school program. This is a very effective and inexpensive way for you to both gain and share business knowledge.

#11 Give Student Presentations

If you need to deliver a presentation in your MBA program online, you can use Skype to provide a live presentation to your teacher and your classmates.

#12 Work on Global Projects

Because you can use Skype to talk to people on the other side of the globe, you can easily do business projects in your MBA class with students and professionals all over the world. This will open up your perspective in business in many wonderful ways.

#13 Use Skype Chat to Collaborate

While most people are familiar with video Skype, the chat feature is very useful in Skype. While you are speaking to each other about your class work, you also can type notes to each other. This is very helpful in cases where you want to have a written record of what was discussed.

#14 Participate in Skypecasts

Skype allows you to do a live ‘webinar’ where you can have as many as 100 people at once participating in a virtual discussion. This can be very helpful when you need to work on group projects, and budgets are tight.