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10 Ways to Use Twitter to Find Your MBA Job

May 2, 2021 2:21 pm0 commentsViews: 407

twitter2Social networking sites have changed the way the job search game is played. Many people find themselves at a disadvantage when looking for a job in traditional mediums such as the classified section of a newspaper, or on job listing website. Social media websites have become the standard for businesses that are looking to hire the perfect candidate. Employers can learn so much about candidates before they even ask for an interview. The benefit of social networking from the employer’s point of view is that most of the information and exchanges are viewable to the public. Twitter is no exception. There are ways that a new graduate from an MBA program can find a job while also learn a bit about personal branding and networking through Twitter.

Here are 10 ways that you can use Twitter to find your MBA job.

#1 Always be Branding – When using Twitter, you should always have a strategy behind your posts and tweets. It is important to realize that everything you put up on display on Twitter is permanent. Even if you decide to delete something later, it is available in some cached form on the internet. Beware of this when posting personal tweets that can be traced back to you. Branding is an essential component to Twitter, and all of your tweets should be relevant to how you want to brand yourself.

#2 Offer Valuable Content – Be sure not to tweet that you are looking for a job in a desperate manner. This can appear to be negative. You can always send out a tweet that links to your resume or LinkedIn profile, but be careful not to do this too many times, as it can appear to look desperate.

#3 Network with Others in the Same Industry – You can network with other people that may be in the same type of position you are. It is not considered to be competition, and you can find out so much information by following people that attract the same type of followers as you. Branching out of your traditional mold may help you find a job that you wouldn’t have found otherwise.

#4 Conduct search for conversations on Twitter using keywords for a job search – This can be a beneficial way to find out about the chatter that is going on between other people. Since these conversations are usually public, you can see who is looking for a job in your industry. Most people do not use this valuable search tool, but it can prove to be very helpful when looking for an MBA job.

#5 Promote Yourself Using Relevant Information – Relevant is the keyword to follow. It is important to not be annoying when promoting yourself. Too much information that seems bragging or boastful in nature will be seen as spammy. This is a negative impression that will be given to potential employers. Posting information that will be helpful to others is a positive approach.

#6 Use Proper Grammar on Twitter – Although Twitter is informal, it is still important to use proper grammar when posting. Make your words count, and remove the excess fluff from any posts.

#7 Interact and Reply to Other’s Posts – This is an important way to show support to other people, plus the bonus is that your replies and re-tweets will keep you in the spotlight. When you interact with others by replying to their posts, you are joining their circle of Twitter friends. People love to connect others, so when you interact with others, they will return the favor by helping you on Twitter.

#8 Use the Search Feature on Twitter to Find MBA Jobs – Many companies put out a tweet when they are looking for professionals to fill positions. When you search for these keywords, you will find many jobs that are available.

#9 Use Twitter Lists – Lists can be a powerful tool for people who are looking for a job. Lists are a way of organizing people so you can find them easily and stay up to date on their posts. They can also see when you have them in a list, and may return the favor by adding you to their list.

#10 Use Twitter Tools to find an MBA job – Use the tools like Group Tweet and Tweep Search to find people within a certain location with bios that have certain keywords