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14 Most Common Entry Level MBA Careers

April 30, 2021 1:26 pm0 commentsViews: 121015

After a couple years of studying the fundamentals of business administration, MBA grads are capable of bringing a whole raft of skills to the table. We’re talking about a curriculum that covers hard skills like marketing, economics, stats, and financial analysis, along with those soft skills like business communications that end up being key to closing deals, establishing new partnerships and bringing together the most innovative minds to form entirely new ventures. So what are the most common entry level MBA careers?

1. Public Service Manager

While few MBA degree holders set out to start a career in government, there are actually a lot of entry level positions available. In fact, many federal departments have specialized programs in place to attract MBA degree holders. Hence, don’t instantly dismiss it as a low paid career with a lot of security, but consider it as a viable option.

2. Financial Analyst

There always seems to be a demand for financial analysts, so much so, in fact, that the majority of listings now only require six months of experience, which most Finance MBA holders have through past work experience and an internship. Those who would like an entry level position in a global financial firm like Wells Fargo & Company, however, will need a few more years’ experience.

3. Customer Relations and Consultancy

Customer relations consultants help to identify the needs of current and potential costumers. Based on that, they will develop strategic solutions to meet those needs. Often, no experience at all is required to take on this position.

4. Marketing and Sales

A lot of people with an MBA marketing management degree want to enter sales. Sometimes, this means actually working on the shop floor, because they will almost be guaranteed to have a rapid promotion, entering management later on. This rapid progress is one of the reasons why it is an interesting entry level position for many. Those who also have specialized experience or knowledge, for instance through an MBA concentration in areas such as technology, international business, or eCommerce, will be in even higher demand.

5. Marketing Manager

Marketing managers focus on working with customers that have already been established, ensuring their accounts are properly managed and serviced. They are responsible not just for marketing, but also on customer satisfaction, and trends analysis.

6. Product Manager

Product managers ensure that a business can achieve market growth and remain profitable, often with a focus on one specific product. Usually, they will work with managers from advertising, public relations, and sales, in an effort to make sure new products can enter the market at the right time.

7. Business Analyst

Because businesses are becoming increasingly complex, there is a strong need for those who are able to properly analyze change, respond to it, and predict future trends. Strategic thinking skills will render a business more efficient, structured, and profitable.

8. Accounting Manager

For those who completed an MBA in accounting, and particularly if they used this to become a CPA, then there are some interesting – and highly paid – career options available, including that of an accounting manager. They are responsible for income statements, budgeting, tax reporting, auditing, and more.

9. Financial Analyst

Financial analysts are responsible for understanding the financial health of the company. They are often found in securities firms, insurance companies, and banks. Their role is to ensure cashflow is properly managed, making the business fully profitable.

10. Human Resources Assistant

For those who have completed an MBA and have an interest in human resources (HR), the role of human resources assistant may be right for them. With your MBA degree, they will quickly rise through the ranks towards HR manager. Those who have an MBA with an HR concentration may even be able to take on a management position as their entry level job.

11. Public Relations Manager

Public relations managers write, choose, and release publicity material in an effort to promote the company, individuals or groups within the organization, and their products and/or services. Public relations is also about dealing with the more difficult questions, including potential scandals. They need to have strong communication skills, as well as writing skills in order to be successful in this role.

12. Web Designer

The role of web designer is perhaps not one traditionally associated with the MBA. However, for those who have a personal interest in web design, or have completed an MBA with a technology or IT concentration, this could just be the dream job. The added benefit of the web designer role is that they will often be able to work remotely, striking a greatly improved work life balance compared to many other positions.

13. Database Analyst

Database analysts manage all the databases in the organization. Not only will they coordinate and modify them, they will also develop new ones. They need to have a methodical brain, as well as being able to spot the smallest details. There is a lot of growth potential in the role of database analyst as well, which makes it particularly interesting for MBA degree holders.

14. Environmental Engineer

Environmental engineers put tools and processes in place to make the organization more sustainable, using green technologies. They need to have strong research and analytical skills, as a lot of the focus of the role will be to propose new types of technologies to senior management and provide them with evidence on how these will benefit the organization as a whole.

As can be seen from the above, there is a wide variety of entry level positions available for those who have completed an MBA degree. Remember that employers don’t just look for a diploma, but also for certain things that prove the person is right for the job. Being able to show that you have done some very interesting things when you were in college, like starting your own venture, or studying abroad, will instantly make you more attractive to your potential employer, and will also give you more opportunities to experience rapid growth through internal promotions once you are employed.

If you’re just starting to research Online MBA degree programs, make sure to consider affordability, rankings and accreditation such as AACSB online MBA programs.

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